
Showing posts from May, 2017

Tips for Fast Recovery after Liposuction

Liposuction removes excess fat from various parts of the body, including the neck, arms, hips, thighs, buttocks, calves, and ankles. The procedure offers an effective body contouring option for patients who have struggled to find their ideal shape. Like any other surgery, liposuction does come with potential risks from complications, but fortunately these are relatively low and easy to avoid with the right plan. Recovery is usually fast, but it takes a few days to show real progress. During the first few days after surgery, it's common to experience some pain and swelling, especially in the targeted areas. And though liposuction has seen a great deal of advances that have made it the effective body contouring procedure, it is today, there are important precautions for patients to follow so they can minimize the risk of complications and improve the overall recovery time. Alcohol Consumption should be avoided as it can damage your body's resistance system. It also sl

Laser Lipo - An Alternative To Surgical Procedure

Laser lipo is a new advanced technology, and it’s a substitute for surgery. A type of liposuction, this procedure removes the extra fat from the body. It’s also known as Laser Liposuction or smart lipo where laser rays are used to dissolve the fat cells within the body. Later, these cells are eradicated through the regular metabolism of the body. This method is quite different from regular liposuction procedure as it doesn't need any cut on the body. Laser lipo is applied without any anesthetic use. Your doctor will make a very small incision in your skin, allowing a small tube called a canula to go into the fatty tissue that you want to remove. Benefits of laser lipo A Less Invasive Process This process is less invasive in comparison of many other conventional treatments related to liposuction. The previous method of liposuction involves a big tube that is intended to suck out and remove the fat from the body. This was a painful procedure. However, laser lipo needs only

Misconceptions About Cosmetic Surgery

Every year, millions of people make the choice to choose something different cosmetic procedures such as breast augmentation, breast lift, nose job, tummy tuck, liposuction, Brazilian butt and eyelid surgery have changed lives of and provided millions with a new sense of confidence. And as the industry continues to see a boom, and more people are looking for information on what's out there, there's a lot of new talk both for and against cosmetic surgery. With all of the discussion going on, it's important to be able to decipher fact from fiction in case you or someone you know is considering a procedure. It’s Harmful It’s normal to feel worried about the risks connected with cosmetic surgery. While all surgical treatments have some kinds of risk, a cosmetic surgical procedure is still performed by an experienced and certified surgeon. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, you should always research your potential surgery center and doctors. And if you do find a